Last October it came to our attention that our old website was losing approximately 60% of its site visitors due to the fact that the website was not responsive for mobile devices. As a result anyone who visited our site via any of their mobile devices could not see our site properly so immediately left. We took action and immediately began designing a new, responsive , website. We wanted a better gallery and the capability to interact with our customers and visitors so we incorporated a blog. That in turn forced us into setting up other social platforms. So once we go live, that might be interesting.
The past few weeks we’ve spent countless hours building our new website and inputting content, both existing from our old site to creating all new content from scratch. We still have a lot of photos to process before being able to upload them into our new gallery and blogging, well… we’re not writers, but maybe, one of us is a poet and don’t know it.
Okay, today we launch. I have a feeling it’s not going to be all that easy. So if you hear a bunch of hoot’n and holler’n along with a few choice swear-words, it won’t be due to the Super Bowl outcome, unfortunately.
Once we’re set up I’ll make a public announcement.