Although it may sound a bit oxymoronic, your bathroom and shower do need to be waterproofed. To many of us home improvement laymen out here, we may assume that our bathroom is already, technically, waterproof. It gets wet all the time and isn’t destroyed. Therefore its waterproof, duh! Not to shatter the foundation of your waterproof knowledge, but it is not a simple as that. Many bathrooms are not properly waterproofed. This can lead to a whole slew of problems. Bathrooms are constantly producing a lot of vapor which can be absorbed into the walls other areas of the room. Over time this can affect your entire home in a myriad of ways. Below are 5 reasons you should properly waterproof your bathroom and shower. Do this with a professional such as Flooring Masters.

1. You Will Prevent Future Structural Damage

The most important of the 5 reasons you should waterproof your bathroom and shower because they produce a lot of vapor. This can slowly seep into the walls of your home and damage the wood. Therefore, if you live in a high humidity area, the moisture in the atmosphere can damage an entire building. The effects of continual moisture in the air effects areas of a home with poor ventilation. Such as corners of a room or where the wall meets the ceiling. These areas within the bathroom walls deal with a larger dose of moisture. It experiences humidity as well as steam from a hot shower at least once per day. Granted, this constant dose of moisture takes quite a long time to really damage the structure of a home. This damage can grow into a dangerous and very cost effective issue if not taken care of quickly and by professionals.

2. Bug Infestations Will Not Be Welcome In Your Home

Many pests like to build their own home in dark and damp areas. Waterproofing your bathroom and shower not only prevents mold and wood decay, but it can prevent termites and carpenter ants. Pest infestations can be very difficult to rid your home of once they have arrived. It is better to nip this problem in the bud and waterproof your bathroom as soon as you can. This ensures that you do not have to even fathom a pest problem in your future.

3. The Most Health Conscious Reason to Waterproof Your Bathroom and Shower – You Will Keep Mold Away!

A major reason to waterproof your bathroom and shower is mold. When your bathroom is constantly experiencing moisture in the air, the walls absorb this moisture. This can lead to condensation. When condensation forms within the walls this leads to discoloration of the paint, mold growth, and wood decay. Mold forming is a concerning issue. Not all mold is detrimental to health, but it should not be ignored if it begins to grow and fester. Fixing a mold infestation once it has grown into a severe problem can become a very costly and timely expense. However, waterproofing with professionals can prevent this condensation build up right off the bat.

4. Maintain Low Maintenance Costs Overtime

Growing high moisture within the walls can lead to all of the above, including cracking, peeling paint, rotting wood, and blistering, and these problems are difficult to fix. These problems are then very difficult to maintain in your home after you have invested in removing and fixing these problems. Waterproofing now will keep these issues at bay. If you do have any of these issues, it is not the end of the road. Don’t panic. They are fixable, but if you do not have any structural damage, mold, or pest infestations, you are already ahead of the game, because you can make sure you do not have to deal with these issues in the future. Making the investment to waterproof now can save you a lot of money in the future.

The #5 Reason You Should Waterproof your Bathroom and Shower – You Can Increase the Value of Your Home

When purchasing a home, no matter how long you plan to live there, it is an investment. One of the biggest goals when making an investment is to make sure you can not only make your money back, but potentially make a profit. With the unpredictability of the housing market, it is never a bad idea to make sure you are keeping your home in tip top shape. Waterproofing your bathroom and shower will not only open the door to consider a remodel, which can increase the value of your home as well, but it will keep the foundation of your home in tact. When selling a home it is checked for mold, pests, and structural damage, to help form a fair price. When your home is free of all of these issues it increases the market price of your home. However, when your home does contain a lot of these problems, it not only lowers the value, but these issues are disclosed to potential buyers which can make your home harder to sell.

Ready to waterproof your bathroom properly? Call or email Flooring Masters & Professional Remodelers today for a free consultation. We know you only want the best in flooring and remodeling. That’s why it’s important to hire the best in the business, and at Flooring Masters & Professional Remodelers, we can guarantee you that’s us.

Flooring Masters & Professional Remodelers have been flooring and remodeling Kentuckiana for over 30 years. Our certified installers have the ingenuity and know-how to assist you in choosing the perfect floors for your home. Don’t take matters into your own hands—let us guide your next project.

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